Sunday, March 11, 2012

Everyone is Creative

Pam Sandlian-Smith

Everyone is creative, but our society doesn't support people in their creativity. People don't think of themselves as creative. It isn't having the right answers, it's asking the right questions. Thinking Like Leonardo DaVinci

Librarians need to become marketers of information.

From Grocery Store to Kitchen....The library becomes a laboratory in which community members tinker, build, learn and communicate. We should emphasize hospitality, comfort convenience, and create work environments that invite exploration and creativity both physically and virtually. Kitchens are where everyone lives and plays and laughs and makes a mess and creates and shares delicious stuff.

The Power of Creativity...Creative people are: original, curious, open-minded, risk-takers, connectors, productive. "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein

Libraries are funded by the community and we are the stewards of community learning.

Ideas for interactive stations in libraries:

Tie One to tie scarves. Videos, mirror, scarves, take-away with ideas. Marketing information and ideas. fly tying, local history, meditation, yoga, card making, bug jar, photography, up-cycling, knot tying

spring cleaning (empty junk drawers, video of This Too Shall Pass by OK GO, books about recycling, inventions..., invent a new use for the materials)

Photography display...close-up photos, camera, books on photography ad subject matter of photos (food, bugs, quilts) Do guessing games, contests, scavenger hunts.

AK Natives display, felt/button blanket samples to make and take

Shelters, box of PVC pipes & connectors and blankets...books on tree houses, camping, shelters in other countries

Dumpster Designs...stray sock, make a puppet from a book

Cure for Cabin Fever...night sky, constellations, aurora

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